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Michelle Donaldson of Fayetteville, Tennessee, is the owner of Spray’s Jewelers.

Michelle bought the business from Dwain Spray in February 2015. She worked for Mr. Dwain Spray for 20 of her 37 years of jewelry sales. Michelle specializes in diamond bridal sales. She is devoted to her customers and strives to serve the customer well.

Michelle is married to Michael Donaldson and the mother of two children, Candice Donaldson and Joshua Donaldson and a proud grandmother of Rylan and Hannah Belle. She spends her time outside of work watching and cheering for her grandchildren in their extracurricular activities and enjoying the beautiful mountains of Gatlinburg with her family. Michelle and her family attend The Rock Family Worship Center where Michelle serves as head greeter. Michelle loves filling the jewelry cases at Spray’s Jewelers with beautiful jewelry and meeting the needs and wants of her customers. Truly, she loves every season of Spray’s Jewelers and she loves every customer.